Press Releases for Find Friends online

  • 829

    New Website Aims To Tackle Loneliness in Cambridge

    An Essex couple has selected Cambridge, UK as the location to launch Friendships Connect, a new community website ( dedicated to helping people find friendship.

    By : Friendships Connect| 03-10-2016 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 829

  • 620

    Find Your Friends On Latest Social Network

    MillionInOne.Com is a new feather in a golden social networking hat, where finding friends online has become very easy & interesting. Earlier finding friends online was a big question or rather say was like “finding a needle in the haystack”. But, Millioninone has made it more simple yet fascinating. Now find friends online by entering just few basic details, and they are there with you, isn't it easy?

    By : | 12-02-2011 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 620